Over the last several months, Boone has had some great meetings with editorial boards across the country. And the results have been well worth the effort.

Following are some excerpts from what is being written about the Pickens Plan on the editorial pages of some of the most influential newspapers in the United States. We’re making really good progress.

Break the Curse of Oil Addiction – Austin American-Statesman – 9/16/09
By The Editorial Board

“Those old enough to remember the shock induced by the oil embargo of the 1970s should also recall that we’ve been talking about reducing our dependence on foreign oil ever since. The talk stage is as far as we usually get.

Like the junkies we are, we promise to get clean after just one more fix. And so it goes until the next time OPEC dries up the supply and drives up the price of U.S. energy.

We should not let desire to argue over the messenger and his message rob us of the necessity to shed our oil dependence.

Rigs that burn natural gas may not be the whole solution, but that certainly is a move in the right direction.

T. Boone Pickens Has a Plan to Reduce our Dependency on Foreign Oil – Standard-Examiner (UT) – 8/30/09
By Rick Stewart

“But take that $298 billion a year and plug in the $300-a-barrel oil Pickens is predicting, and you get the traumatically round figure of the U.S. spending $1.2 trillion a year on foreign oil within 10 years. And it’s that volatility in oil prices that Pickens is trying to protect us from. How? Well, as you may have heard here, he has a plan. And the backbone of that plan is natural gas…and the best part of all this natural-gas, clean-energy talk for red state, Republican Utahans? You don’t have to be a tree-hugger to support it. “This is not a partisan issue,” Pickens says. “This is an American issue.” Spoken like a determined, 83-year-old oilman.”

Pickens: A Man with a Plan – Daily Herald (UT) – 8/25/09

“We can cut our gasoline dependence in half,” Pickens said.

What would be the next step? “First, tell the world you’re going to do it,” he said. “Then do it. Then you are an energy supplier. Then you can negotiate the price of oil.”

So why haven’t we? It’s all a matter of leadership. “If you have the leadership, you can solve the problem. If you don’t, you’ll continue to flounder,” Pickens said.

He’s right about that. Many problems that defy easy solutions, such as health care and terrorism. Solving the energy crisis, however, has an answer that’s right in front of our eyes — or, more precisely, under our feet. The U.S. could be the world’s greatest energy supplier. Yet all that seems to be found is resistance.

It’s time to kiss the naysayers goodbye and watch our economy take off.

Pickens Has Changed Energy Debate – The Wichita Eagle – 7/30/09

“A year into his multimedia campaign, Pickens has more than 1 million followers and the confidence to say that the American people want his plan. “It’s a plan I cannot turn loose of, because it has to be done for this country,” he said.

Where Pickens and many people part is on the breadth of his agenda. “Nuclear, drilling, wind, solar, biofuels — I’m for anything that’s America’s,” he said.

But give the 81-year-old oilman credit for waking up Americans and their leaders to the urgent need to import less oil and make the most of domestic energy sources. When Pickens speaks, people not only listen but also act.

One Year Later: Pickens Plan Impacts Energy Debate – Fort Worth Business Press – 7/20/09
By Will Brackett

While the Pickens Plan isn’t perfect – show me a plan that is – there is no doubt that it has raised the profile of natural gas – especially as a transportation fuel – in a way not achieved before. With natural gas producers suffering due to low prices that have resulted from a lack of industrial demand, transportation is a critical new market the industry needs for its product and Pickens is doing his part to make that a reality.

With his continued push, Pickens will help to transform our nation’s energy usage away from foreign oil and more toward cleaner-burning, affordable and abundant natural gas – which best of all, is ours. We support Pickens in his efforts and wish him the best of success in his endeavor to bring us to a day when our nation can achieve a realistic degree of energy independence.

CabinWindow: Pickens Man with a Plan – Log Cabin Democrat – 6/11/09

“Pickens has a sensible notion, and we hope all of America hears his ideas, but at the end of the day, change will only come when our elected leaders say with a united voice that our future won’t hinge on foreign oil. When the economic landscape benefits domestic and renewable fuels, we’ll see change.

Time is wasting $300 barrels of oil. In 10 years.

Join Army Working for Energy Freedom – Springfield News-Leader (MO) – 5/13/09
By Wade Palmer

“I encourage everyone to join The Pickens Plan (www.pickensplan.com) — it’s free and provides extensive information and a collective voice to exert pressure on Congress and other decision makers. To quote their home page… “America is blessed with the world’s greatest wind power corridor and abundant reserves of clean natural gas. The Pickens Plan will utilize these tremendous resources to build a bridge to the future – a blueprint to reduce foreign oil dependence by harnessing domestic energy alternatives and buying time for us to develop even greater new technologies.”

The Pickens Plan is not the only solution, but it’s an important piece of the machinery. Still less than one year old, The Pickens Plan boasts an army of nearly 4 million activists and the larger this army grows, the more they can influence our nation’s energy policy.

The men and women in Congress listen only when the voices are very loud . Real progress toward energy independence will take years (decades) so we cannot afford to wait … now is the time to act.

A Closer Look: A Foot Soldier in Mr. Pickens’ Army – St. Louis Business Journal – 5/1/09
By Ellen Sherberg

“Mr. Pickens’ compelling argument for an energy-independent United States certainly caught my attention, especially in light of the conundrum Missouri faces regarding Ameren’s proposed nuclear power plant…

The United States, with 4 percent of the world’s population, consumes 25 percent of the world’s oil, most of which is produced by countries we would not consider allies. In fact, Mr. Pickens says national defense is his No. 1 argument for energy independence, economic mandates are No. 2 and global warming, with all deference to Al Gore, is No. 3…

It’s a persuasive argument and certainly worked on me. That’s why I signed up to join Mr. Pickens’ army at www.pickensplan.com. Check it out.