The highly regarded Austin American-Statesman which is the newspaper of record in the Texas capital city, today ran an editorial about Boone, the Pickens Plan, and the continuing effort to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. In spite of gasoline prices dropping from $4 per gallon in 2008 to about $2.60 per gallon today,
“Pickens reminded American-Statesman editors and reporters this week, the national security threat posed by U.S. dependence on oil produced by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has not waned.”
The editors pointed out that Boone is back on the stump urging support of H.R. 1835 and S. 1408 – The NAT GAS Act – which “would provide tax incentives for freight haulers to replace their diesel-burning 18-wheelers with rigs powered by natural gas.”
The editorial pointed out that despite Boone being a…
“staunch Texas Republican, [he] has picked up support from U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nevada, the majority leader; President Bill Clinton; and Al Gore, the former vice president, among others.”
The editorial concludes:
“We should not let desire to argue over the messenger and his message rob us of the necessity to shed our oil dependence.
“Rigs that burn natural gas may not be the whole solution, but that certainly is a move in the right direction.”
To read the entire editorial in the Austin American-Statesman, click HERE
— The Pickens Team