Monday’s “Clean Energy Summit 2.0” in Las Vegas was amazing. Everywhere we turned, leaders including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, president of the Progress for America Action Fund John Podesta, and former Vice President Al Gore were talking up natural gas as the way to help get us off foreign oil. It was a great day for the Pickens Plan.
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The Center for American Progress Action Fund and the Energy Future Coalition released a memo about natural gas titled, Natural Gas: A Bridge Fuel for the 21st Century. It was almost like it had been written as part of the Pickens Plan! It calls for:
– Natural gas as the principal fuel for heavy trucks
– Natural gas as a significant fuel for power production
– Natural gas as a fuel for municipal and school bus fleets
The memo points out that “Natural gas is ‘by the far the cleanest burning’ fossil fuel, and produces slightly more than one-fifth of all U.S. energy.” And it says natural gas should play a larger role in our energy mix.
If you agree, click here to email your Members of Congress about the NAT GAS Act today!
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) is on board. The Wall Street Journal noted that Senator Reid said, “I’ve been converted. I now belong to the Pickens church.” Don’t forget he’s an original co-sponsor of the NAT GAS Act, too. Energy Secretary Steven Chu called natural gas a possible ‘transition’ to a future filled with electric cars and biofuel-powered vehicles.
Click here to email Congress NOW and tell them to support an energy plan that will create thousands of new jobs right here in the United States.
There’s no August recess for us. We’re gaining ground every day and I need you by my side to keep up the pressure. Email your Members of Congress about the NAT GAS Act today!