Hey Army!
The first anniversary of the Pickens Plan is coming up tomorrow, July 8. You know we want you to host rallies and other events on that day: Energy Independence Day.
In the meantime, there are a few videos we’ve posted recently that you should take a look at.
First, click here for a video of Boone talking about the Natural Gas Bridge.
Next, click here to listen to Boone and others talking about the need to Take Back our Energy Future.
The next video is of Boone looking back on his life (and a short tour of the Ranch!) in his Countdown to Energy Independence Day. For that video, click here.
The last video is really exciting. Boone wanted the Army to have some fun with Energy Independence Day so he said, “let’s run a video contest.” Click here for the short video about the Energy Independence Day Video Contest.
Put together a short video – three to five minutes – to show the rest of the New Energy Army what you are doing in your Congressional District to promote the Pickens Plan on Energy Independence Day. Highlight any or all of the activities – lit drops, letter-signings, interviews with local media, hosting a rally – whatever!
The best videos will be featured on the PickensPlan.com homepage and Daily Pickens blog. To read all about the video contest and Energy Independence Day, click here.
Have fun and good luck!
— Team Pickens