The oil import numbers for June show no improvement in the amount or percentage of oil we are importing. Since January, the Pickens Plan has announced on a monthly basis the number of barrels we have imported, the amount we have sent out of the country to buy it, and the percentage of our oil needs those imports represent.
According to today’s release, we imported 354 million barrels of oil at a cost of about $24.7 billion. That amount represents 64 percent of our oil usage – not far from the two-thirds level at which it has been.
In today’s release, Boone said:
“The amount of oil we import each month remains the largest threat to our national and economic security. Last month alone we exported nearly $25 billion for imported oil, our worst month thus far in 2009.”
Nevertheless, Boone said that the Pickens Plan – with the help of the Pickens Plan Army which is 1.6 million strong has made great progress in getting America’s dependence on foreign oil on the nation’s agenda.
“Last week, there was more evidence of this progress when the NAT GAS Act was introduced in the Senate, joining its House counterpart which already has more than 70 bipartisan cosponsors. It will provide great incentives to make use of our abundant supply of natural gas as a transportation fuel, and it will be the key to breaking our addiction to foreign oil and ending the cycle of dependency that threatens our national security and ruins our economy.”
To read the entire release, click HERE.
— The Pickens Team