Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas has become the latest high-profile personality to sign the Energy Independence Pledge.
Huckabee, who was the last challenger to the Republican Presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain has been an outspoken critic of America’s reliance on imported oil. “For too long, we have been constrained because our dependence on imported oil has forced us to support repressive regimes and conduct our foreign policy with one hand tied behind our back,” he said.
Gov. Huckabee also wrote,
“It is time for us to stop our continued reliance on oil produced beyond our borders and by nations who are not our best friends. Even those who do act more cordially toward us are not producing oil with a benevolent spirit but are driven by their own interests. From Dec. 2003 through 2005, OPEC nations spent more than $13 million lobbying the federal government. We should all be somewhat discomforted by the amount of money that are policymakers are having tossed their way to keep the addiction alive.
Boone Pickens said he welcomed the support of Governor Huckabee who joins 15 sitting governors who have also signed the Energy Independence Pledge.
“We are still importing too much oil,” Pickens said. “Even with the recession we are still importing about two-thirds of all the oil we use. When the world’s economies recover we will see oil return to $100 per barrel or more.
Oil is down to $50 per barrel, which makes our addition cheaper, but no less dangerous to America’s economy, environment and national security.”
If you know a public official who is interested in signing the Energy Independence Pledge go to The Pickens Plan Pledge page and print out a copy.
— The Pickens Team