U.S. Rep. John Shadegg (AZ-03) has signed the Pickens Pledge for Energy Independence.
Rep. Shadegg, whose district includes parts of Phoenix and Scottsdale as well as running north along the I-17 corridor, joins 60 Members of the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate who have signed the pledge. In addition to Federal legislators, 15 sitting Governors have signed as well as 317 mayors, members of state houses and state senators.
Pamela Barnes is the AZ-03 District Leader for the Pickens Plan. She and members of the AZ-03 District Group spent a great deal of time and energy helping Congressman Shadegg and his staff understand how the Pickens Plan fit into, and enhanced, his existing vision of helping America become more energy independent.
Mr. Shadegg continues to show leadership in the U.S. House by being a co-sponsor of H.R. 1835 – the NAT GAS Act – which will promote the building, buying and use of vehicles powered by clean, domestic natural gas. This is in addition to Rep. Shadegg’s well-known support for domestically produced alternative energy especially electricity from solar and hydroelectric sources.
–Team Pickens