Last week, TX-32 Co-District Leader Uly Labilles attended a special Pickens Plan event; a discussion between the Pickens Plan and Vice President Al Gore’s Repower America campaign. Check out what he has to say about the event!
“Environmentalism and Green Capitalism could best describe the March 9th Memnosyne Foundation “Energy Independence: Pickens Plan vs. Gore Challenge” Leadership Dialogue. Conversation Catalysts – Geoffrey Bailey, Regional Leader, and Todd Howard, President of T. Howard & Associates and graduate of Al Gore’s “The Climate Project” framed the two plans to kick off the dialogue.

Facilitated by Orbits of Influence, the event was truly a powerful and engaging experience, bringing together some of the best minds and strongest advocates to compare and contrast the two prominent U.S. Energy Independence plans and to address how best to ensure sustainable energy and the national security issues for our region and nation, while protecting our natural resources and sparking innovation to leverage new alternative energy sources and the economic boom they represent.
One thing we do not have is time. We do not have the time just to sit around and wait for our leaders to do something, wait for our leaders to pick us up. The cost of not doing anything is catastrophic. The initiative should start from us, and not from Washington.

From April 1-3, the Pickens Plan will hold a Virtual March on Washington. The Pickens Plan team will utilize the size and unique capabilities of the New Green Energy Army to have an enormous impact on the White House, Congress and the new Energy Bill. Sign up today!!”

Click here to read more, and to watch Uly’s video from the event.