In celebration of President’s Day, the Pickens Plan Fact of the Day entries this week will feature quotes from recent presidents about our nation’s energy plan.
“And in some cases, the gulfs and oceans off our shores hold the promise of oil and gas reserves which can make our nation more secure and less dependent on foreign oil.”
George H.W. Bush, “State of the Union Address,” January 31, 1990
In 1991, in the prelude to the First Gulf War, President H.W. Bush announced a National Energy Strategy. Naturally, one of his strategy’s guiding principles was “reducing our dependence on foreign oil.”
“We need a national energy policy focused on following goals: get off of cheap oil and more nuclear plants and focus on the use of natural gas with is cleaner, cheap and abundant.”
Bill Clinton, March 1992
In 1996, Clinton proposed a comprehensive energy plan that did not pass Congress.