
This is a day that makes America different from any other modern nation. For the 43rd time in our history, the power of the Presidency will be passed from one American to another – peacefully, respectfully and hopefully.

President Barack Obama has it within his power and his skills to lead America. He has set goals which are lofty, but within our grasp. He has promised to end oil imports from the Middle East, Africa and Venezuela within 10 years. That is a reachable goal.

The Pickens Plan New Energy Army is made up of Americans of every political stripe. This is beyond politics and I have every reason to believe President Obama will rise above politics to establish policies and ask for legislation which will embrace the pillars of the Pickens Plan.

I want to thank each one of you for your hard work leading up to this important day. Over the last 6 weeks alone, over 300 of you have signed up to lead District Groups and you have recruited over 20,000 new members to the Army. Every day I’m reading the op-eds you’re getting placed in your local newspapers and hearing about the meetings you’re holding to discuss how you can do your part to make the Pickens Plan happen. I’m grateful for your hard work and glad to be a partner with you in this effort.

If we keep working straight through the first 100 days of the administration of President Obama, we will reach our goal of getting America on the path of energy independence.

— Boone