The T-Boone-Express stopped in Chicago to do a Town Meeting at the Navy Pier right on the lake. Congressman Rahm Emanuel came out to be part of the program. He was already known as a very smart political guy when he worked for President Clinton; but after being elected to Congress he is now known as a very smart legislator.
Rahm started his remarks by saying that “Boone and I come from two different parts of the country and we belong to two different political parties… be we have one goal: Energy Independence for America.”
He went on to say that he became a supporter of natural gas when he realized that new recovery techniques meant that America now has enough to last about 100 years at current usage rates. “Natural gas is two-thirds cleaner than gasoline; it is about one-half cheaper; and it is a technology available today,” he said. “Natural gas is not a ‘tomorrow’ technology.”
Then Rahm introduced me and I went through my white board presentation. This was at 10:30 on a perfect autumn morning. The crowd was aware of the problem, attentive to the solution, and appreciated the program.
I want to remind you about the nation-wide house parties being hosted by the New Energy Army tomorrow night to watch the final debate of this Presidential campaign. We have to show these candidates the power of the New Energy Army—we are more than 1.1 million strong and we mean business. So let’s get together during the debate and hear what the candidates have to say. If there isn’t a house party in your area, please sign up to host one. We’ve got to get these two candidates nailed down on an energy plan. No matter who wins, it’s going to be a lot harder to get this done after the election if they don’t have someone to answer to before they’re elected.
— Boone