Let’s Army up!

We’ve seen the last debate and when it came to energy the candidates said good things. But they didn’t say enough.

Let me remind you that we have no favorites in this race—or any other race. We want all candidates for every office to sign on to the Pickens Plan to reduce our oil imports.

The only way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil STARTING TODAY is to switch from diesel fuel to natural gas for 18-wheelers and fleet vehicles. The presidential candidates have told us they like alternative forms of energy, but they still haven’t focused on one of our greatest domestic resources: natural gas.

We can’t allow them to put natural gas on the bottom of the issues pile because oil prices are at about $70 per barrel. That’s exactly why we have had 40 years of promises of energy independence, but no action—cheap oil.

Here’s what I need you to do. And I need you to do it today. Go to the petition page, where we have put up a petition demanding that every candidate running for U.S. House, U.S. Senate or President agree to take a stand FOR American energy independence.

I’ll make sure your petition gets into their hands. I’ll make certain they can’t ignore the New Energy Army.

Let’s make October 16, 2008 the NEW American Independence Day.

— Boone