The think tank Frontiers of Freedom has made public its endorsement of the Pickens Plan. The group’s President George Landrith writes:
“America needs a broad-based energy plan. For the past 30 years, we have primarily relied on foreign oil for our energy needs. We must expand and diversify our energy portfolio. The Pickens Plan is an important part of a broad based energy plan. We need to drill and produce more of our own American energy. We should be drilling in the outer continental shelf and in ANWR — now. We also need to develop our natural gas resources. We need to develop wind and solar technology. We need to use nuclear technology and we need to use coal. We need to create an environment in which research and development efforts explode and bring new energy technologies to the marketplace. The Pickens Plan correctly highlights that we need to stop merely repeating the short-sighted mistakes of the last 30 years and begin implementing innovative, but proven technologies that work both practically and economically – while at the same time we develop the next generation of energy technology.”