The town’s Mayor, Greg Wortham, penned an op-ed for yesterday’s edition of The Washington Times. Here’s a highlight:
Mr. Pickens is the quintessential oil and gas man with Texas-sized fame and fortune. Yet it’s that pacesetter and entrepreneurial spirit that is guiding him to take the sort of bold action on energy reform that is so needed in our country. And he’s putting his money and his time into not only advocating for change on a grand scale but also making much-needed direct economic investments to build the world’s largest wind energy center.
Like Mr. Pickens, West Texas is an energy region and an action region. It’s that can-do spirit that has made West Texas what it is today. West Texas is doing what we do best, leading by example. We’re in the midst of the most intensive wind energy development in the world while maintaining our prominence as a leader in domestic oil and natural gas production, too.
Energy is our lifeblood, but we all must recognize that we can’t make it on either oil alone or wind alone. The wisdom of the Pickens Plan is that we use each of these American energy resources to its best advantage. Only by wisely using each domestic fuel source in the spectrum can we achieve sustainable American energy independence.
The full op-ed is very much worth reading.